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I will remember that Jio visited my dream a day before my session with her. In my dream, she was telling me "You have been through a lot." and she smiled at me and embraced me with a bright light. I was sure that my soul would get healed by meeting Jio, I had done my homework diligently and now my mind is free from fear and I am full of confidence. My business is successful, too.


About 5 minutes after the consultation with Jio, I went to the bathroom and turned on the lamp. I suddenly saw the green light in front of me. The appearing light was about the size of a coin, I blinked my eyes a few times but I could still see it on my face, reflected in the mirror. It was a very strange experience. I assumed that the energy cleansing Jio gave me was going well in its process. What's even more interesting is that my craving to eat at night was gone. Strangely, from that day on, I lost my appetite at night. We live with many choices every day. Wake up in the morning to drink water, drink coffee, sit down, walk, or run today, it's up to you. What a wonderful life! As she said on YouTube, we are already perfect. Creation is something you do yourself. “ WHY NOT? ” “ LET’S DO IT NOW “ I hope that everyone who reads this will make good choices and have a richer life…

thank you thank you thank you


Jio was telling me the story of my soul. I heard of my negative mental patterns that were caused by my past life memories. I felt like I finally found the reason for my doubts and anxiety. What really fascinated me was when I meditated with Jio, my noisy mind turned into a peaceful calm ocean. When my session with her finished, I cried and felt a deep release in my heart. I gained a strong intention for stopping self-destructive thoughts. And by accepting Jio's advice, I will do authentic storytelling as a writer. I cannot wait to see my transformations over time...

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